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Special Education Advocacy and legal services include:

Consultation and comprehensive case evaluations
IEP representation and development
Due Process litigation including representation at Hearings, Mediations, and Resolution sessions
Representation at SARB and Expulsion proceedings
Representation at Manifestation Determination meetings
Complaints filed with Office of Civil Rights
Compliance grievances filed with CDE
504 representation and development
ADA compliance and violations
Regional Center disputes

We Provide:

• Professional advocacy and legal services to assist parents of children with special needs in matters pertaining to their child's educational placement, IEP goals and objectives, program, services, accommodations, assessments, transportation, individual academic support (1:1 aide), funding, and reimbursement.
• Assist parents through the complex and often overwhelming IFSP, SST, 504, IEP and IPP process, Resolution Session proceeding, Mediation conference, Due Process Hearing, and Informal Dispute Resolution meetings.
• Assist parents with Compliance issues and complaints filed with the California Department of Education, Office of Administrative Hearings, and the Office of Civil Rights.
• Assist parents with matters pertaining to discipline and attendance such as SARB, Manifestation Determination and Expulsion proceedings. 
• Assist parents with obtaining private school and non-public  school placement, non-public agency services and residential treatment center placement for their child.
• Suggest strategies that might be helpful in moving the child toward the educational services, program, and placement that he/she needs.
• Assist parents with concerns pertaining to the evaluation/assessment process and in particular with seeking independent education evaluations and funding.
• Provide consultation and comprehensive case evaluations.

The common experience:

The IEP process can be a very grueling and emotional experience for families especially when disagreements arise regarding the overall appropriateness of the child’s IEP. Families are often not fully aware of the rights afforded to their child under both the state and federal guidelines and may reluctantly agree to whatever is presented to them. At times, they may be left with no other choice but to defer to the IEP team in making a decision regarding their child’s IEP development. Consequently, a child may be deprived of much needed support and service while his or her educational plan and progress remains stagnant. Often, the parents go through several IEP meetings in order to voice their concerns which often remain unresolved and not appropriately addressed. They may face a rather complicated and challenging Due Process proceeding which requires expert legal guidance. At this point, we can provide the families with expert and professional special education advocacy services in order to compel the school district to address their concerns and help the student obtain an effective, unbiased and appropriate educational support and services that the child desperately deserves.